Learning Curve 4

A startled yelp woke me. I could feel sunshine warming part of me, so I knew it was morning; I could smell a scent that I just knew was Tavi, right beside me. I yawned and opened my eyes halfway. Briefly, it was much too bright, but then my eyes adjusted. “Sky?” Tavi’s eyes were wide, her lips parted. “Mmhmm. Feel better?” “Um, yes. Holy crap. I did that?” “Well, I didn’t. See anyone else around?” Silence for a couple of heartbeats, then Tavi laughed and reached over me in a hug. “Right, so practically the first witchy thing I…

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Learning Curve 3

I sank down on the couch, watching the orange stripes spreading up my arms. There was no sensation at all; it was only the colour that was changing. That didn’t mean it wasn’t surreal to watch. When it reached my shoulders, I peeled off my t-shirt so I could still see it. The stripes ran around my arms, but turned into complex swirls down my sides. It moved up, too, where I couldn’t see it without going in search of a mirror. When it got down to my waist, I stripped off the rest of my clothes. Anyone who had…

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Learning Curve 2

Uncle Glen let me off back at Tavi’s place with my things, his number in my phone, and his promise that he’d clear it with my manager for me to have time off. I hurried back upstairs, calling a quick greeting to Tavi while I kicked off my shoes. “Heya,” she called back. “Got everything?” “All yours,” I said. I left my bags by the metal-frame futon that served as her couch and returned to her. “Feeling better with a bit of food?” She was sitting up at least, and the cookies and juice were all gone. I could still…

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Learning Curve 1

A witch’s abilities wake up unexpectedly and powerfully, and it’s going to take time for her to learn to control them. Her lifelong best friend is unwilling to leave her to face it alone – no matter what he finds himself transformed into by accident. (15 chapters, 37K words) CW: Several major transformations, with consent, but initially with virtually no control. Minor inclusion of a wannabe-abusive ex-boyfriend. Pansexual characters of various genders. A loving romantic relationship between two men (approximately) with skin of different colours. One small injury with a kitchen knife. Um… that’s about it? My shorter stories don’t…

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